Liquid Mind XII: Peace
Music for Relaxation, Meditation and Sleep

Digital PDF Booklet

Also available in CD and MP3

Liquid Mind XII: Peace album cover

Produced by Chuck Wild
Assoc. Producer Jonathan Marozik

Liquid Mind XII: Peace is the fifteenth soothing album in the ultra-slow Liquid Mind® series of sedative therapeutic music, and is dedicated to peace through conflict resolution in our world.

Like the previous albums, Peace envelopes us in gentle continuous sound, and is designed to function in the background of our lives, helping us to relax and unwind in a sometimes fast-paced world.

Click here for a short list of well-researched sleep tips to help you enhance and maximize the regenerative time you spend in slumber.

From the artist

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

No one is born hating another person; people can and do change every day. Peace between differing ideologies and cultures, though not impossible to achieve, may be challenging to attain. However, peace on a “person-to-person” basis is possible between any two willing individuals, regardless of their backgrounds. It is this process of engendering person-to-person peace to which Liquid Mind XII: Peace is dedicated.

Even the smallest step taken by one individual as a peacemaker can build a bridge of hope, encouragement and understanding which will grow and spread. The titles of the compositions on this album are steps we can each take towards conflict resolution:

We begin by acknowledging that At the Center Is Love. Where there is a capacity for love, which all humans share, there can be peace. The peace process begins with respectful Communication between two people, Person to Person, which leads to a discovery of their Shared Values. These shared values create a willingness to Surrender to Love, and we are able to move forward together as a measure of Trust develops.

As trust grows, we become aware of our Oneness, and the Spirit of Peace prevails.

Chuck Wild, January 2018

Track list

1. At the Center is Love
2. Communication
3. Person to Person
4. Shared Values
5. Surrender to Love
6. Trust
7. Oneness
8. Spirit of Peace

Total Time 62:17

Also available in CD and MP3


April 23, 2018: Amazon Customer Review, by "JLJ"

5-star review

Chuck Wild Has Done It Again: Great Sleepy-Time Music

I own the CDs of Liquid Mind 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and now 12. I recorded them all over onto my digital music player, and I shuffle them for six hours of continuous play. On nights when my restless mind will not let me sleep; I turn on Liquid Mind and sleepy-time arrives faster.

There is truly no other recording artist who does what Liquid Mind’s Chuck Wild does. His music does not have the predictable melodic progression and structure of other recordings being sold as meditative or relaxing background music, nor does it have any unexpected peripheral noises or sound effects to distract you. The Liquid Mind recordings simply provide a gentle, ethereal, consistent, continuous, relaxing soundtrack which, after a few minutes of focussed listening, actually help you to disconnect and ignore the music itself, as the meandering sound washes over you and lulls you to sleep. The CDs even come with a warning to not listen to them while driving or operating machinery.

Click here to read the complete review on