Musical Petcare®
Soothe your pet with Liquid Mind

image of sleeping puppy and kitten

12 Hours of Soothing Sleep Music for Dogs and Cats on YouTube

“Mindfulness” from Liquid Mind: Mindfulness

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YouTube link to Liquid Mind

In January of 1988 I began composing on the first Liquid Mind® compositions, and experimenting with extremely slow, quiet music. I always noticed that Lovedog (my cocker/poodle mix) would come near the speakers as I was working and fall asleep. In the ensuing 34 years, I’ve received many emails and messages from Liquid Mind listeners mentioning the calming effect of my music on some dogs, including puppies.

While there is no research specifically on Liquid Mind, there is substantial research regarding the beneficial physiological and psychological effect of listening to calming music in both animals and humans including changes in brain chemistry, cognition and physiology. As well there is research documenting changes in dogs’ heart rates while listening to different styles & tempos of music.

Click here for the relaxing 12 hour Musical Petcare® video created and produced by Melissa Messer or click here to download five free MP3’s or to stream Liquid Mind music. Thank you for being good caretakers of our furry friends!

Chuck Wild, Liquid Mind composer

Do not operate vehicles or dangerous machinery while listening to slow music, as there is some research indicating it may cause slower reaction times, drowsiness, and a heightened state of suggestibility.