Liquid Mind (Chuck Wild) Relaxation Music: Free Wallpapers


Free Liquid Mind Wallpaper
for desktop and devices 

Liquid Mind (Chuck Wild) Relaxation Music: Free Wallpapers

Here are free Liquid Mind® wallpapers for computer monitors, mobile phones, and tablets.

Scroll through the list to download a size that matches your device, then follow your normal routine to load it.

Computer Monitor Wallpaper

Relax wide screen wallpaper

Wide Screen Monitor


File size: 1600 x 900 pixels (524.6 KB)

Relax standard screen wallpaper

Standard Monitor


File size: 1280 x 960 pixels (516.7 KB)

Mobile Phone Wallpaper

Choose a version below which best matches your phone screen size.

Relax iPhone wallpaper

iPhone-friendly version
(also suitable for Droid phones)


File size: 320 x 480 pixels,
180 ppi (187.9 KB)

Relax generic phone wallpaper

Generic phone version 1
(see additional versions below)


File size: 240 x 320 pixels,
72 ppi (171 KB)

Relax generic phone wallpaper 2

Generic phone version 2


File size: 240 x 400 pixels,
72 ppi (171.4 KB)

Relax generic phone wallpaper 3

Generic phone version 3


File size: 176 x 220 pixels,
72 ppi (140.1 KB)

Relax generic phone wallpaper 4

Generic phone version 4


File size: 128 x 160 pixels,
72 ppi (112.7 KB)

Relax generic phone wallpaper 5

Generic phone version 5


File size: 128 x 128 pixels,
72 ppi (113.4 KB)

iPad Wallpaper
(also suitable for many other tablet devices)

Relax iPad wallpaper


File size: 1024 x 1024 pixels,
132 ppi (570 KB)

iPad home screens and wallpapers rotate based on the orientation of the iPad.
1024 x 1024 pixel wallpapers allow the wallpaper to fill the screen in both directions.